
Carob versus Chocolate

Let’s face it. Your dog stares and salivates while you eat that cookie or candy bar……. What harm could a little, bitty bite do? LOTS.  There is a big difference between safe Carob and unsafe chocolate. Carob is a naturally sweet (no sugar needed) chocolate substitute that can be ground or …

A Happy Dog

It’s the same ritual every morning. After breakfast and a few minutes of downtime the games begin. Mimi and Matisse begin AM Playtime. First the approach, each one letting the other one know what games are about to begin and what toys should be included. Then, it happens.  The play …

My Little Guy

One of my two dogs. This is Matisse. He weighs 30 pounds. Nicknames are Teaser, Scout and Peepers (don’t ask). He is a Mini Aussie from California. He has problems. I have never had a dog with two distinct personalities. Matisse#1 is a ferocious  150 pound full size Aussie. He …