AS PUBLISHED IN GRANDEUR MAGAZINE.COM Mimi sits patiently on the floor, her bushy black tail with its white tip looking like a paintbrush as it swishes back and forth in anticipation. “Touchdown,” says Frank Menchero signaling to the canine to leap up with her two front paws and do a …
Suddenly, one day last month, my little guy developed glaucoma in one eye. It had been growing but there was no warning. Even though I got him to a eye specialist in hours, he went blind almost immediately. However, he has not changed. He plays, barks, runs and eats like …
We have lots of treats. All healthy, all USDA, mostly single ingredient treats. But sometimes that isn’t enough. Sometimes dogs have developed allergies to common things such as chicken and beef due to all the other ingredients that are bundled in with most treats or dog food. Try telling your …
You know the drill. I have said it dozens of times. Single Ingredient dog treats are the way to go. USDA meats, made in the USA, no salt or sugar added, show me the treat! But I will tell you, limited ingredient treats such as our dual treat offerings have …
Let’s face it. Your dog stares and salivates while you eat that cookie or candy bar……. What harm could a little, bitty bite do? LOTS. There is a big difference between safe Carob and unsafe chocolate. Carob is a naturally sweet (no sugar needed) chocolate substitute that can be ground or …
This dog, this dog right here has secret powers of hypnotism. Whenever I have any snack, especially chicken, this dog mysteriously shows up and stares at me with golden eyes. These eyes seem to capture my attention and speak to me. They say, I have never eaten food and I …
What are single ingredient dog treats? Simple is Better! Funny how things finally come around. I have been helping folks out about reading their labels on pet food and treats for a long time now. It is wonderful to see the light go on in their heads when they …
Some run of the mill products found in your home can really harm your pet. Take note of these 5. Studies of the pesticide tetrachlorvinphos have produced strong evidence of carcinogenicity in animals. This toxin is banned in the European Union, but is still in use in the US on …
You know me, always looking for nutrition information. Remember “Say bye bye to by products”?…….. Well, I just dusted off my soap box and here I go again. Soybeans and soybean-related products can be found in an increasing number of commercially available pet food formulas, dry, semi-moist and wet, including …
If you can no longer care for your pets, giving them away for free to someone who has generously offered to care for them may seem like the right thing to do, but there are good reasons not to. Criminals prey on people who just want the animals to go …
We use coconut oil at home for a myriad of things. It has excellent uses both internally and topically. But did you know how beneficial coconut oil can be for your dog? BENEFITS For you and your dog, coconut oil when taken internally can: • Reduces the risk of cancer …
You know me, I always have a story to tell. Sometimes when I am at the store telling folks about our treats I get this question…… “How many calories are in this treat?” I always ask them “How many calories can your dog eat a day?” The answer is always …
We have a new addition to our line of boutique healthy treats! Made here in Naples! You know me, if I can address a health issue using a holistic solution rather than a drug…. I do it. That’s why we are now proud …
Fair Warning! I am going to talk about really yucky stuff! Not for the faint of heart You know me. I always want to help and share info. Sometimes I want to sell you something……Well, today is just about imparting knowledge, so let’s get started. We don’t sell dog …
It’s the same ritual every morning. After breakfast and a few minutes of downtime the games begin. Mimi and Matisse begin AM Playtime. First the approach, each one letting the other one know what games are about to begin and what toys should be included. Then, it happens. The play …
As you can guess, selling holistic dog treats gets you into conversations with folks who have sick dogs. Lots and lots of sick dogs. I am amazed that so many dogs take Benadryl to relieve allergy symptoms. My little guy, Matisse, always has red eyes and sneezes more than any …
We’ve got USA elk and deer and moose antlers. Why have moose antler chews for dogs? What is so different? Well, some things are the same for deer and elk but some things ARE different for moose. For starters, the nutritional values are basically the same between all of them. …
It’s obvious isn’t it? Why wouldn’t you buy dog treats made in the USA? No brainer, right? It isn’t. The USA has lots of rules and regulations in place concerning food safety.. ……for people that is. Not so much for pet food and certainly not for treats. If it took …
The idea that it’s natural for dogs to chew on bones is a popular one. However, it’s a dangerous practice and can cause serious injury to your pet. “Some people think it’s safe to give dogs large bones, like those from a ham or a roast,” says Carmela Stamper, D.V.M., …
You know me…. I don’t do chemicals. If possible we go as holistic as we can. The though of putting something on my pet’s skin or have them ingest a chemical that is poisonous to fleas kind of makes me nervous on what it could do to my dog. If …
We hear the word “Natural” all the time, right? Nowadays everything is Natural……or so they claim. Recently the FDA cracked down on big company from using this term. But what about pet treats and food? Nobody is policing them. Recently I saw this article that speaks to just that point. …
You know me. I like Holistic. I clean my stopped up sink with baking soda and water. Always keep it natural. Every home with dogs should have apple cider vinegar. It’s a remedy with multiple uses for dogs: alleviating allergies, arthritis, establishing correct pH balance. You can also give apple …
One of my two dogs. This is Matisse. He weighs 30 pounds. Nicknames are Teaser, Scout and Peepers (don’t ask). He is a Mini Aussie from California. He has problems. I have never had a dog with two distinct personalities. Matisse#1 is a ferocious 150 pound full size Aussie. He …
My friend Marcia at Liberty Home And Pet Services posted this the other day and I found it fascinating. I am always reading and hearing how bad excess sugar is for our bodies and its ill effects on our human bodies. I was disappointed with food manufactures for sneaking …