Some run of the mill products found in your home can really harm your pet. Take note of these 5.

collar Studies of the pesticide tetrachlorvinphos have produced strong evidence of carcinogenicity in animals. This toxin is banned in the European Union, but is still in use in the US on livestock and companion animals, including in flea collars for pets.

 According to the Household Products Database, the following pet products contain tetrachlorvinphos:4

  • Hartz Advanced Care 1 in 1 Reflecting Flea & Tick Collar for Cats
  • Hartz InControl Flea & Tick Cat Spray
  • Hartz InControl Reflecting Flea & Tick Collars for Dogs
  • Hartz Control Flea & Tick Repellent for Dogs
  • Hartz Advanced Care 2 in 1 Reflecting Flea & Tick C
  • Hartz Control Ultimate Flea Collar for Catsollar for Dogs


Malathion is another insecticide associated with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and also prostate cancer. Like glyphosate and diazinon, this toxin produces DNA and chromosomal damage, as well as disruption of hormone pathways. It also causes tumors in rodents.  Malathion is used for insect control in agriculture, public health, and in homes in products from companies such as Ortho or Bonide. It is produced in substantial volumes across the globe. Exposure in the general population occurs primarily from proximity to sprayed areas, use in homes, and in food.

hazmatParathion, another pesticide shown to be carcinogenic in animals, has fortunately been banned in both the US and Europe since 2003. 

Thanks to regulations restricting the spraying of diazinon, this insecticide is in limited use in agriculture and homes in the US and Europe. Studies of this chemical have shown evidence of carcinogenicity in humans for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and lung cancer, as well as DNA and chromosomal damage.  You can find a list of products containing diazinon here. The list includes Ortho Ready Spray Flea & Tick Killer for pets.

Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide around the world, and usage has increased with the increase in genetically modified crops. The greatest use of this toxin is in agriculture, but it is also used in forestry, urban, and home applications. Glyphosate has been detected in the air, in water, and in food.

 There is evidence of carcinogenicity in humans for non-Hodgkin lymphoma based on several years of studies of agricultural exposure to glyphosate in the US, Canada, and Sweden. Studies also show glyphosate causes DNA and chromosomal damage in human cells. There is also convincing evidence that glyphosate can cause cancer in animals.

The most well-known product containing glyphosate is Roundup by Monsanto. A comprehensive list of products containing this herbicide can be found at the US Department of Health and Human Services Household Products Database. Also check out Dr. Mercola’s recent article on glyphosate for more information on the dangers of this herbicide and Monsanto’s unprecedented efforts to silence the opposition.

Thanks to Dr Becker for providing this information. Oh, and by the way………they aren’t good for you either!